Update: Saved Trade & Paper Trading Improvements
OptionStrat’s saved trade system has been revamped! Over the past few weeks we have added some highly requested features to give the saved trade system a makeover.
Instead of being a simple list of saved trades, the system now shows lots of additional stats and makes paper trading with OptionStrat easier.
Editing Trades
Saved trades can now be edited! Simply open a saved trade and click the save button again to overwrite and update the previously saved trade, or save it as a new one.
Closing Trades
Strategies can now be marked as “closed”, indicating that you have exited the trade. To close a trade, click on it (on mobile) or click the gear icon (on desktop) and click “Close Trade”. Then, just type the price that you exited the trade at. For your convenience, we auto-fill the exit price to the current price of the trade, but you can override it with the actual exit price.
Sorting Trades
Strategies can now be sorted by creation date, symbol, or expiration date, and are also separated into two categories: active, and expired. Active strategies are currently open, and expired strategies have either expired or have been manually closed.
New Stats
Saved strategies have always shown the total return, but that was about it. Now they also show the daily return, the original value (or cost basis), and the current value.
Premium members (those on the live tools plan or higher) can also track the maximum profit and loss that the strategy has reached so far, and can see a historical chart of the strategy’s performance so far. This differs from the historical charts shown in the strategy builder, as it is customized for your cost basis with the green region showing the times that your strategy was profitable and the red region showing when it was not.
Additionally, these stats are now available even if the strategy is expired. Previously, expired strategies did not show any information past expiration, but we are now recording a massive amount of historical data so the stats can be retained past expiration.

Screenshot of the new saved trade system on mobile